School counselors help support all students with social, emotional, and academic needs throughout the school year.
Kelly Curtis-Slaughter, EP Rock School Counselor [email protected] Student Check-In Form Rock Virtual Counseling Room EP Rock Counseling Blog Stand-by-Me mentoring was a great success this year at EP Rock, with 27 mentor/mentee pairings who met weekly throughout the school year. We celebrated with "Mentors and Muffins" on May 25th, where mentors enjoyed breakfast with mentees and their families.
By dedicating just one hour per week, you can make a difference in the life of a child and make a friend while doing it! Consider being a mentor for the 2022-2023 Rock school year and contact Kelly Curtis for more information, at [email protected]. ![]() The Stand-by-Me Mentoring Partnership is a school-based volunteer mentorship program where community members, parents and staff volunteer their time as mentors to support students. This privately funded program was established in 1998 at E.P. Rock Elementary School by a group of teachers, including first grade teacher Bridget Schuett, and fifth grade teacher Amy Davis.
Make sure to check out Mrs. Curtis' blog often for great updates and resources!